Meet Dave Brond
Dave Brond has known of MASHSMD for several years through his membership in SHSMD and the American Marketing Association, but it wasn’t until three years ago that he took action to get involved. Dave immediately joined the Board rather than starting out as a member and hasn’t looked back since.
While completing his BA degree in economics and geography from Bucknell University, Dave did not originally intend to end up in the field of healthcare. His interest in healthcare administration was piqued while researching medical geography and health planning for his undergrad senior thesis. This inspired him to go back to school where he received both his MBA and MHA degrees from Duke University. After graduating from Duke, he was offered a job in the healthcare consulting firm of Ernst & Whiney (now Ernst & Young). This initial exposure to hospital and health system finances and strategic planning led to his first job in a healthcare organization as Director of Planning at a community hospital in Baltimore. From there, Dave held more and more expansive roles including Vice President of Marketing and Planning at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore and Senior Vice President of Communications and Marketing at GR Health (now Augusta Health) in Augusta, Georgia. His hard work and commitment to the healthcare industry allowed him to build a steady career while continuously growing in the profession. Today, Dave serves as Vice President of Strategy and Planning at Aloysius Butler and Clark (AB&C), a leading regional marketing advertising agency. As his job title suggests, he works with clients and internal teams to conduct primary and secondary customer and market research that leads to developing brand positioning and strategic marketing plans/initiatives.
Three years ago, Dave was looking for something new professionally. As a strategic communicator striving to make an impact, he is always looking for opportunities to improve himself and his work. Because he was already familiar with MASHSMD, it seemed like the perfect place for him. He joined MASHSMD because he knew it provided timely, effective education and networking opportunities to members who are interested in learning more about healthcare marketing and communications. It is important that the organization gives him the chance to work with a group of talented, dedicated board members. They represent a variety of institutions and organizations, have significant industry contacts, and are a true think-tank of ideas, both professionally and personally. Being a member of MASHSMD has taught Dave a lot in a short period of time. More than ever, he understands that it is always better to be inclusive rather than exclusive. Everything from organizing an event to developing a new program, he believes it is best to begin working with a wide net of people. This allows individuals to hear the views and perceptions of others before narrowing a project or initiative to a target audience or market.
The COVID-19 pandemic required a shift in how Dave worked, just as it impacted many others in our field. Whether it was conducting focus group research via Zoom or summarizing IDIs (in depth interviews) to create a brand platform, he learned that he could work very independently and still accomplish the goals of the agency and clients. In addition, he learned how to dink in Pickleball which is now one of his hobbies. Dave is always looking for something new and exciting, but this pandemic taught him a few things that he may have never learned. He is ready to move forward as hopefully aspects of our lives begin to return to a sense of normalcy. He looks forward to vacationing and being in establishments, restaurants, and attractions with other people once again. Even more importantly, Dave is ready to begin a new chapter in his life as a first-time grandparent by the end of this year!
If you’re looking to discuss healthcare communications, planning, or Pickleball strategies, you’re in the right place! Dave is only one click away to reach out and connect to him.
If you’re interested in learning more about MASHSMD and want to get involved contact [email protected] or anyone else on the Board of Directors and we’ll find a place for you here!